Building Bits
Next generation graphic information systems
PhD thesis
Schevers, H., Demand Support by Virtual Experts. Supporting the client during the inception phase of a Building and Construction project. PhD thesis 2004. ISBN 90-9019215-2, Schijndel, the Netherlands. Klik hier voor de PDF versie of klik hier voor een nederlandse samenvatting.
Hoofdstukken in boeken
Beheshti M.R., van de Looij M.P.A.M. (2001). Computerondersteunend ontwerpen, 2001, Lemma, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Brown, K., K. Hampson and P. Brandon. 2006. Clients Driving Construction Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice. Brisbane: Cooperative Research Centre for Construction Innovation, Icon.Net Pty Ltd. ISBN 1-7410712-8-3. Chapter 17 “Ontology Based Demand Support Systems for Urban Development” (Schevers, H., Veldman, D., Boulaire, F., Drogemuller, R.,)
Refereed Journal Articles
Tolman F. P., Ozsariyildiz S., Schevers H. 1999, Computer Aided Inception of Large-Scale-Engineering Projects: Evaluating Value Versus Cost, The International Journal of Construction Information Technology, Volume 7 #2, University of Salford.
Schevers, H., Trinidad,G., Drogemuller, R, Towards Integral Design Support for Urban Development, ITCon, 2006
Schevers, H., Drogemuller R., Converting IFC Data to the Web Ontology Language, International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Beijing, China, 2005 (Selected paper for reprint in IEEE journal)
Schevers H., Mitchell J., Akhurst P., Marchant D., Bull S., McDonald K., Drogemuller R., Linning C., Towards Digital Facility modelling for Sydney Opera House using IFC and Semantic Web Technology, ITCon, 2007
Internationally refereed conference papers
Schevers, H. and Tolman, F.P. (2000). “Supporting the Inception Stage of Building Projects with Instant Value versus Cost Evaluations” Proceedings of the CIB78 Conference, Reykjavik Iceland.
Tolman F.P., Ozsariyildiz S. and Schevers H. (2000), “Computer Aided Inception of Large Scale Engineering Projects: Evaluating Value Versus Cost”, INCITE 2000: Implementing IT to obtain a competitive advantage in the 21st Century, Hong Kong, HK Poly University press, Jan, 2000, pp 744-755.
Schevers, H. and Tolman, F.P. (2001). Modelling the First Building Life Cycle Stages, IT in Construction in Africa, Mpumalanga, South Africa
Schevers H, Rijswijk v. R. and Bohms, M. (2001), "Product data technology as basis for a concept modeling tool", Proceedings of PDT-Europe Conference, Brussels, Belgium.
Schevers, H., Tolman F.P., (2001) “Theory and implementation of a concept modeler supporting the HVAC engineer, proceedings of the IABSE Building Simulations conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia.
Schevers, H., Tolman F.P (2002), Increasing Insight in the Conceptualisation Stage of Complex Building Projects (Ref. No. 59), International conference on engineering and design automation, Mauii, USA.
Dado,E., Özsariyildiz,S., Schevers,H., Tolman, F., (2002), Life Cycle Support over the Internet using Virtual Reality and Product Data Technology, Advances in Building Informatics, Delft, the Netherlands.
Kamphuis, A; Ridder, HAJ de; Schevers, HAJ, Product information management at the large-scale project called arena "Auf Schalke", In Proceedings of the third international conference on concurrent engineering in construction, held in Berkeley USA on July 1-2 2002, Berkeley: University of California, pp. 195-206, 2002
Schevers, H. (2002), Information and Knowledge Integration in Early Design Phases for the Building and Construction Industry, 11th conference, PDT Europe, Turin, Italy (award winning paper).
Schevers, HAJ; Beheshti, R.; Ridder, HAJ de, (2003) Potential advantages of future virtual design environments, In Innovation in Construction and Real Estate, Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, pp. 265-272, 2003
Schevers, H, Dado,E, Beheshti, R, (2003) Towards an agent based early design environment: A framework implementation using Java, E-Activities in Building Design and Construction, Istanbul, Turkey (Key note paper)
Beheshti, R. and Schevers, H. (2004), An Analysis of a course on Parametric Design, International Engineering and product design education conference, Delft, The Netherlands.
Trinidad, G., Chua, C., Drogemuller R. and Schevers, H. (2005) GIS/CAD for 3D City Modelling in Proceedings of the 5th Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2005), Computing Society of the Philippines, University of Cebu (Banilad Campus), Cebu City Philippines, March 4-5, 2005, pp. 33-37.
Schevers, H., Trinidad, G., Crawford, J., Drogemuller, R., Open Parametric Design System for Early Design Phases, International conference on innovation in the AEC industry, Rotterdam, 2005.
Schevers, H., Drogemuller R., Converting IFC Data to the Web Ontology Language, International Conference on Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Beijing, China, 2005
Schevers, H., Drogemuller R., Semantic Web for an Integrated Urban Software System, MODSIM Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2005
Schevers, H., Veldman, D., Boulaire, F., Drogemuller, R., Ontology Based Demand Support Systems for Urban Development, international clients driving innovation conference, surfers paradise, Australia, 2006
Morris, J., Lan Ding, Robin Drogemuller, John Mitchell, Hans Schevers, David Leifer, Dirk Schwede, Jeremy Wu, Janet Henriksen, Paul Akhurst, George Spink, An integrated collaborative approach for FM- Sydney Opera House FM-Exemplar, Development, international clients driving innovation conference, surfers paradise, Australia, 2006
Schevers, H., Inman, M., Towards Integrated Assessment for Urban Development: The Water Module, Enviro6 conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2006
Schevers, H., Drogemuller, R., Ontology Driven Concept Modeller for Urban Development, Ausweb conference, Noosa Heads, Australia, 2006
Robin Seijdel, Anne Dullemond, Hans Schevers, Collaborative 3D decision support for urban development, Proceedings the playful city- Serious gaming for a sustainable urban development, TU-Delft, 2007
HAJ Schevers, S. Zlatanova, RR Seijdel, AT Dullemond, Delivering Semantic Enrichment of 3D urban models for financial and sustainability decision support, COST TU801 Madrid (Spain), 2012